About Me


Name: Jordan Gerber Age: 37 Race/Ethnicity: Northern Eurpoean Caucasion Status: Veteran (E-4 Montana Army National Guard) Citizenship: Natural Born United States Citizen Current Profession: Telemedicine Network Technician Work Style: Hybrid-Remote (Primarily working from home) Job Seeking Status: Available for freelance work, but not actively persuing new full-time/permenant employment Political Status: Independent (I've voted for both major parties in my life)

My History

I begain programming when I was in 5th grade (~1997). I started with HTML and VRML. As time went on, I also began learning CSS, JavaScript, and PHP. I continue to program with these to this day, along with AJAX, jQuery, XML, JSON, and a few other items. I traditionally do not work with the popular frameworks (React, Laravel, Vue, etc.); however, I can work with them.

I am passivelly looking for short-term web development jobs as a freelancer. I have no interest in discontinuing my current full time profession at this time. If you would like to see some of my work, you can check out my Projects. If you'd like a quote for something you have in mind, please fill out my Contact form with your name, email, and a short description of what you're looking for. I'll get in touch with you and we can go over more, detailed, information.

Personal Life

I'll give you the simple version. I am married to a wonderful woman and have been for almost 17 years (June 2007). We have 2 kids (13 and 11). My son and I are Autistic. He was diagnosed about a year ago and I was diagnosed this past October. All four members of my family have ADHD, so you can imagine the fun and insanity that takes place here.

I was raised in an Evangelical Protestant family with conservative values, but I've opened up my values once I moved out of my parent's house and began taking in knowledge from many sources. I would fall under the religious category of Monolatry, but I try and keep an open mind, and am happy to hear what others believe, so long as they're respectful of others. As soon as someone becomes forceful or tries to push their beliefs, I stop listening to that person. To be clear, I stop listening to the person, and not the belief. I'm happy to hear from someone else on the same belief system.