Legal Items

Cookies and Session Data

Please be aware that this website ( and it's subsequent pages (not to include sub-domains) do not retain any user information for any reason. The server may cache the pages you visited for faster service; however, no information is provided to any third-party by Jordan Gerber or Chaos Web Development unless required to by law. Use of this website means you agree to all terms and conditions, both explicit and implied, on this page.

Information with Site

While it is believed that there is no false information on this website, it is asked that any found be reported via the Contact page so that it can be corrected. Jordan Gerber and Chaos Web Development is not liable for any unintential false information.

Common Sense Clause

We understand that not every possible situation can be documented, and thus expect all users to utilize common sense in regards to any information found within the Site. Please feel free to ask questions if you have any.